On Wed, Feb 19, 2014 at 12:52:58PM +0100, Bengt Larsson wrote:
>Christopher Faylor wrote:
>>We are contemplating releasing an interim 1.7.29 which does
>>not incorporate Corinna's revamping of Cygwin's uid/gid handling.
>>So, please check out snapshots, paying particular attention to the
>>non-passwd/group parts of this file:
>>We'd like to release a 1.7.29 in the next couple of days so testing
>>feedback is appreciated.
>Tested the 64 bit DLL only:
>) - Allow quoting of arguments to the CYGWIN environment variable, i.e.,
>)   set CYGWIN=error_start="c:\bin\someprogram -T"
>I tested it with what I use as 'CYGWIN="glob:ignorecase"' and that
>) - Try harder to do the right thing in the presence of console screen
>)   i.e., never clear the screen buffer unless the user asked for it.
>)   fix screen escape sequences which attempted to scroll the screen.
>)   Addresses: http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2014-02/threads.html#00274
>I start a console window, set the buffer to 1100 lines, display a lot in
>it. Start bash, type ^L: the console window resizes to be only one line.
>Same result if bash was started first, then display data, then ^L.

Huh.  That's a bad bug.  Thanks for reporting.  That's not something we'd
want to see in a release.

What Windows version are you running?

>) - Make "ps -W" report different WINPIDs for processes that have been
>)   from, e.g., cmd.
>)   Addresses: http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2014-02/threads.html#00382
>I have not found any duplicate processes. That thread reference isn't
>particularly useful: I had to search the archives.

If you do:

bash -c "exec sleep 3600"

You'd see two processes in "ps -W" but only one in "ps -ef".

>) - Avoid error messages from the signal handler if we're exiting.
>)   Addresses: A random irc #cygwin complaint.
>Not tested.

There is no easy way to test this so that's fine.

>I'm always wary about testing more than the DLL because I'm not
>absolutely sure how to back out of it.

I should have made it clear that just the dll needs to be tested
although, if you were so inclined, you could also test the new
minidump process that Jon Turney just introduced.  That needs
to be added to the release notes so there is no way that most
people would know about it.


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