>> this week I applied the first incarnation of the new passwd/group
>> handling code to the Cygwin repository and after fixing a crash which
>> manifested in Denis Excoffier's network, I think we're at a point
>> which allows to push this forward.
>> [...]
>Ok guys, I just applied a patch implementing getpwent and getgrent,
>and the way to configure the output is probably more detailed than
>you ever wanted ...

Hi Corinna,

As I saw no response to your latest call for testers,  I decided to test it
myself ... (x86-XP, SP3).

 - setup "Cygwin" (base) in a different directory
 - applied tar ball (17/2 snapshot) as instructed at


After I had set up /etc/nsswitch.conf as follows

db_enum: files

the output of getpwent and getgrent looked "familiar" to me. (though the
output of 'id' is not).

However, after I had modified /etc/nsswitch.conf as follows

db_enum: local

getpwent crashed (segment violation) ...


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