Hi Corinna,
Am 18.02.2014 13:43, schrieb Corinna Vinschen:
On Feb 18 13:35, Dominik Straßer wrote:
Hi Corinna,
thanks for the pointer. I haven't yet fully understood the
credentials stuff. But can it have this result:
In the cygwin terminal:
ls -l /cygdrive
total 43
d---------+  1 TrustedInstaller TrustedInstaller     0 Feb 18 10:27 c
drwxr-x---  15 night            None              1024 Jan 23 22:53 k
drwxr-x---  52 night            None             24576 Feb 18  2014 n
drwxr-x--x  62 night            None             14336 Feb 17 13:57 s

In the ssh:
ls -l /cygdrive
total 4
d---------+ 1 TrustedInstaller TrustedInstaller 0 Feb 18 10:27 c
Keep in mind that the login via ssh is in another session than a desktop
session.  If you want a user to see the automatically mounted drives in
a ssh session, the ssh session needs the user's credentials.  This only
works if the user mounts the required drives manually after login via
So what I am doing now is (in .bashrc)
/cygdrive/c/Windows/system32/mount.exe '<nfs-path>' k:
mount k: /home/user1

which seems to work.
ssh, or if the login via ssh already has the credentials.  This is
only the case when using method 3:

tried it, but didn't work:
$ passwd -R
This functionality stores a password in the registry for usage by services
which need to change the user context and require network access. Typical
applications are interactive remote logons using sshd, cron task, etc.
This password will always tried first when any privileged application is
about to switch the user context.

Note that storing even obfuscated passwords in the registry is not overly
secure.  Use this feature only if the machine is adequately locked down.
Don't use this feature if you don't need network access within a remote

You can delete the stored password by specifying an empty password.

Enter your current password:
Re-enter your current password:
Storing password failed: Function not implemented

here my cygwin version:
$ uname -a
CYGWIN_NT-6.1 ossvmw7u1 1.7.28(0.271/5/3) 2014-02-09 21:06 x86_64 Cygwin

Thanks for the hints I now have a working solution. Not nice, but it seems to work.

Best regards


Dominik Strasser       | Phone:  +49 89 99013-436
OneSpin Solutions GmbH | Fax:    +49 89 99013-100
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