Greetings, Prakash Babu!

>  thanks Christopher.
> I found the following archive which introduced this fix
> (

> I feel this causes an inconsistent behavior when batch scripts are
> executed using command interpreter(cmd.exe) and cygwin.
> There are some generic batch script we might give to users where some
> might execute using cmd.exe and some using cygwin(especially remotely
> using ssh) and I would be expecting the same behavior in both places.

> Also my existing batch script handles argument a=b in a way where I
> obtain 'a' using %1 and 'b' using %2 and this behavior is broken now.

I would suggest using bash instead of cmd.
Since you are running SSH anyway, you are likely to have bash, too.
As powerful CMD is, it's cumbersome to use, and nowhere near as powerful, as
POSIX shell, not to mention full power of BASH.

Andrey Repin ( 17.02.2014, <09:44>

Sorry for my terrible english...

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