Greetings, Corinna Vinschen!

>> >> >> I would like to request a small functional change for cygpath.
>> >> >> In the event of empty given path argument (i.e. `cygpath -ml ""') 
>> >> >> silently
>> >> >> return an empty result without error message.
>> >> >> This would greatly simplify wrapper scripts.
>> >> 
>> >> > Why isn't redirecting the message to /dev/null not sufficient, something
>> >> > like this (bash syntax)?
>> >> 
>> >> Because it'll require creating a redirection? And this kind of redundant
>> >> inserts blurring the code.
>> >> Returning a non-zero exit code would suffice for debugging purposes.
>> >> 
>> >> > cygpath -ml ""  >/dev/null 2&>1
>> >> 
>> >> Err, not > /dev/null !!! :D
>> >   dos_path=$( [ -n "${posix_path}" ] && cygpath -ml "${posix_path}" )
>> > ?
>> I appreciate the effort, bit this even MORE complicating the possible use
>> case.
>> Look, I'm asking for simplification without loosing functionality.
>> If I NEED to check the path for existence, I would write something to the
>> extent of

> I'm getting a bit puzzled.  If it's only the message you don't want,
> then why not just send this message to /dev/null???

Because the message serves no purpose in every use case I could think about.
That, aside the fact it needs to create a redirection.

>   NATIVE=$(cygpath -ml "$2" 2>/dev/null)

>> But if I (and the program that I would feed it to) don't care (which is often
>> the case), the message printed from cygpath doesn't add to functionality. 
>> P.S.
>> I've tried to rebuild it myself, but hit a roadblock.
>> While trying to rebuild only winsup/utils, this happens

> That never works.  Why don't you just fetch the source archive from
> the last package and use the cygport file inside?

Because I'm building Cygwin itself the first time. When my attempt at saving
time in hope it would "just work" failed, I followed FAQ to the letter, but
got nowhere either. The list of required packages to compile it seems to be
right, though. I've eventually succeed.

Andrey Repin ( 16.02.2014, <17:33>

Sorry for my terrible english...

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