On 2/14/2014 6:00 AM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
On Feb 14 11:48, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
On Feb 14 11:16, Frank Fesevur wrote:
I've installed that snapshot on my work laptop, part of AD domain. I
moved passwd and group out of the way and noticed my .bashrc is not
Most noticeable difference between the two are in the dates of the
files (The months are in Dutch, and not in "long-iso") and not showing
the dot-files. Among others, I have set an export LANG=en_US

...hopefully LANG='en_US.utf8"...

and an
alias for "ls" in my bashrc for that.

Hmm, off the top of my head I can't explain this.  Is that
via mintty or a Windows console?  What does `id' print?  Is there a
difference in upper/lower case of your name?

[...time passes...]

Oh, hang on.  I'm a tcsh gal, so I set /bin/tcsh in my AD domain entry.
However, the default is *not* /bin/bash, but /bin/sh at the moment.  I'm
a bit fuzzy on bash, but does bash read the .bachrc file only if it's
called bash and not if it's called sh?  What happens if you symlink
your .bashrc to .profile (Not that I suggest this as the ultimate
solution, this is just for testing)?

Ultimately, the right thing to do is either:

- We switch Cygwin to use /bin/bash as default, instead of /bin/sh,

Isn't /bin/bash already the default? The output of `mkpasswd -l' seems to confirm this.


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