
in cygwin64 on Win 7 64 bit I find "." in $PATH:

$ echo "$PATH" | tr : \\n | egrep '^\.$'

However, I was not able to detect where this came from.  It's neither
in the Windows system environment variables nor in the user
environment variables - as you can also see on a cmd prompt:

C:\Users\rklemme>path | find ";."

C:\Users\rklemme>path | find ".;"


There is nothing in rc files (you only see my workaround to remove it
which is commented ATM):

$ egrep -n '\..*PATH|PATH.*\.' .bash_profile .profile .bashrc
.bash_aliases /etc/profile /etc/bash*
.bash_profile:31:# remove "." from PATH
.bash_profile:32:# PATH=$(echo "$PATH" | sed -re
/etc/bash_completion:1092:# - stdout:  Filename of command in PATH
with possible symbolic links resolved.
/etc/bash_completion:1372:# completes on directories under those
specified in CDPATH.
/etc/bash_completion:1389:    if [[ -z "${CDPATH:-}" || "$cur" ==
?(.)?(.)/* ]]; then
egrep: /etc/bash_completion.d: Is a directory

Do you have any idea where this might originate? I'd rather fix the
root cause than keep my workaround.

Kind regards


remember.guy do |as, often| as.you_can - without end

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