>>> You're actually treading on thin ice here since you are trying to get
>>> help for a release that is not the subject of this mailing list.  That
>>> makes this whole discussion pretty much off-topic.
>>Yes, I'm sorry. I will move the discussion to cygwin-talk list if you
>>don't mind.
> Actually, I do mind.  The cygwin-talk list isn't intended to be a forum
> to discuss other cygwin releases.

Well, is there any cygwin-list to talk about this?

>>> And that's another issue.  We definitely will not be providing support
>>> for anyone who wanders in here looking for help with problems they
>>> encounter with your packages.
>>I TOTALLY agree with this.
> You may agree with this but that won't stop people from being confused.

> I still think this is a bad idea.  I know what you're trying to do.  You
> are basically trying to provide a solution using tools that you more or
> less understand rather than trying to work within the existing
> (admittedly crude) release structure to provide benefit to everyone who
> uses Cygwin.

I'm sorry, but this is not true: I only want to give comunity a "base
package" of something that I already have.

At least on my opinion, as an administrator, has very sense to have a
"bash windows" in a "nerd-msi" installable form.

But if you don't agree, don't mind: I can upload my next BGINFO4X
release without creating any "AdminCygwin release".

There is no problem, but I thought that it could be useful to others.

> We sometimes get people here who think they have to fork Cygwin because
> they understand some subset of something on their own and don't or can't
> grok the big picture well enough to try to make changes within the
> release.  There is that + the need some people have of being a
> recognized "Project lead".  Believe me, the glory in that title cannot
> be underestimated.  It's a heady experience.

I'm sorry again, but If I understand you (not 100% sure), I don't want
to be recognized.

Thanks a lot for your time.

> cgf
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