I am experiencing two problems with libopenmpi-devel-1.7.2-1:
1. The package contains an implementation of libevent2 that clashes with
files in libevent-devel-2.0.21-1. For instance, both packages contain
/usr/include/event2/event.h [1]. Linux distros tend to get round this
clash by placing the openmpi include files in their own directory (e.g.
Fedora uses /usr/include/openmpi-i386/event2/event.h [2]; Debian has
/usr/lib/openmpi/include/openmpi/opal/event/event.h [3]).
2. The version of event.h in libopenmpi-devel includes "opal_rename.h",
which is not provided in libopenmpi-devel (or any other Cygwin package
for that matter). Hence, a programme that includes event.h will fail to
Marco: If you agree with my analysis above, please could you repackage
libopenmpi-devel to fix these issues.
Many thanks in advance,
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