On Jan 13 22:41, David Levine wrote:
> Corinna wrote:
> > Your PID values are pretty suspicious.  Even on a busy machine they
> > should seldomly have more than 4 digits, let alone 6.  The PIDs are only
> > getting high if process and other handles are hold and not closed by
> > another process.  This looks a lot like a BLODA problem.  Did you
> > check against http://cygwin.com/faq/faq.html#faq.using.bloda?
> That's it.  The machine needs to be rebooted every once in
> a while because it runs out of memory.
> I checked that FAQ but don't see the culprit.

Hmm.  Virus?  NSA keylogger?

> Should popen() report the failure?

It can't.  It doesn't see this failure and it's totally unexpected.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Maintainer                 cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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