On Tue, Jan 07, 2014 at 11:35:57AM +0900, KIMURA Masaru wrote:
>fopen() stackdump file immediately after cygwin_stackdump() calling in
>signle process fails.
>is this intentional?

I rewrote your example slightly to make it work with any executable name
by calculating the stackdump name like this:

  char *fname = (char *)malloc(strlen(*__argv) + sizeof (".exe.stackdump"));
  sprintf(fname, "%s.exe.stackdump", *__argv);
  printf("fname = %s\n", fname);

And compiled it as:

gcc -g -DUSE_CYGWIN_STACKDUMP -DUSE_FORK_WAITPID cygwin_stackdump.c -o 

That worked fine for me on the most recent Cygwin snapshot: 32/64 bit.

Possibly you have BLODA:



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