On Fri, Jan 03, 2014 at 12:59:53PM +0200, Mihail Stefanov wrote:
>I have problem with malloc hanging when I SwitchToFiber.  I have
>current environment:
>CYGWIN_NT-6.1 win7-dev 1.7.27(0.271/5/3) 2013-12-09 11:54 x86_64 Cygwin
>(Windows 7, x64)
>I am trying to use Windows Fibers API in cygwin environment.  All is
>working fine, till the moment I call SwitchToFiber and then malloc.
>The processor CPU usage goes to 50% and after some time to 100%.  In
>most cases this a result of memory corruption.  In case I do not call
>malloc, all is working fine.  Is this something to do with the stack?

Sorry but we make no guarantees that directly using Windows APIs in a
cygwin program will work reliably.  If you've found something that
doesn't work then that is not a huge surprise and it is not something
that we're going to look into fixing.

If you are writing a Windows program maybe you should check out the
MinGW project at http://mingw.org/ .


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