Well I know the beep script is not yours but.. I am trying to
configure it so I hear a sound inside of Windows 7. I have cygwin with
weechat curses running in it. The set command
/set plugins.var.perl.beep_beep_command_highlight "cat
/cygdrive/d/Cygwin/beep.wav > /dev/dsp"

But it does not work at all. Any ideas why? Really would like to
switch to weechat for my main IRC program but without the audible ques
it is a no go. Many people have tried to help and told me that command
but it still is not working.

I have searched around and have not found the answer eslewhere and
people are stumped on why. if I could just switch to lnx I would but
alas I cant so porting like this is my only option.

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