On 12/12/13 17:49, klonos wrote:
chere adds context menu entries for when right-clicking on folders
(under HKCR\Directory\shell\) and local/removable/network drives (under
HKCR\Drive\shell\) but it doesn't add an entry to the folder/drive
background context menu (HKCR\Directory\Background\shell and

Is this a known bug or by design? If by design and there is no intention
to add that feature by default, could you then at least add a switch to
allow that optionally? Thanx.

I was not aware of the Drive\Background and Directory\Background keys. Presumably it's been added since I last looked.

I've a feeling someone submitted a patch, but I haven't looked at updating chere for a while.

I guess I should find some time to handle x64 and this.


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