
Then, is not possible install bash 4.2 on CygWin?. I can not
understand if there is some way for it.

Thanks :)

2013/12/6 Peter Rosin <p...@lysator.liu.se>:
> Hi!
> Sorry about that, I knew the 64-bit version was newer and was convinced
> it was 4.2-something. So convinced that I didn't check before writing.
> Cheers,
> Peter
> On 2013-12-06 16:30, Javier Murillo Márquez wrote:
>> Is it available for 64-bit? I installed CygWin and searched the
>> package for bash 4.2 and I just found Bash 4.1.
>> http://cygwin.com/cgi-bin2/package-grep.cgi?grep=bash&arch=x86_64
>> 2013/12/6 Peter Rosin <p...@lysator.liu.se>:
>>> Javier wrote:
>>>> Hello!!
>>>> Is possible install bash 4.2 on cygwin? Is there some patch or update for 
>>>> it?
>>> It is available for 64-bit. Not 32-bit though, we're still waiting for
>>> that update (with the WORDEXP_OPTION enabled to fix wordexp(3) and
>>> enabled support for loadable builtins)...
>>> You could probably find a 32-bit version in cygwinports.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Peter
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