On 12/3/2013 8:40 AM, Frank Fesevur wrote:
2013/11/15 Charles Wilson:
CHANGES (since 1.7-2)
o Updated to latest upstream release
o Rely on cygport to autogenerate setup.hints
o Split package into client and server components.

I just tried to install the clients package and got this notification:

inetutils-server    (1.9.1-1)
     Common networking clients and servers (servers)
     Required by: inetutils

Why does the "clients" package require the "servers" package?

Transition. The old (1.7-x) package was monolithic, so the people who *wanted* the server(s) only needed to install the 'inetutils' package itself.

If I *didn't* add this requirement to the new inetutils package (which contains only clients), then those users, when upgrading, would lose their server(s) and their system would break.

We don't want that.

So, what I typically do when I break up a monolithic package, is ensure that for the *first* update cycle after the breakup, all users will still get all the (new) subpackages.

For the *next* update cycle, I'll remove those unnecessary requires: statements. (If somebody waits six months to update, misses 1.9-1, then THEY might get a temporarily broken system. But that's just too bad; can't cater to people who don't keep their systems reasonably up to date).


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