On Sun, Dec 01, 2013 at 09:49:15AM +0100, marco atzeri wrote:
>Il 12/1/2013 1:09 AM, Katherine Moss ha scritto:
>>I'd do that if the setup program were more accessible.  And by the way,
>>chocolateydepends on the use of Cygwin setup in order to install Cygwin
>>programs from the command line; my preferred way considering I use
>>screen readers as assistive technology and the Cygwin setup program is
>>only accessible on the most basic level; that is, only the most basic
>>functionality is able to be interpreted and red properly by a screen
>>reader.  The rest would require sighted assistance for me if it werent
>>for Cyg-Get and Chocolatey.

We'd be happy to take any patches which make setup.exe more accessible
but it is unlikely that anyone who currently hacks on setup.exe is going
to even understand what is required to make it work with a screen
reader.  OTOH, this may just be a case of your not understanding how to
use the setup.exe command options.

We don't support either cyg-get or "cholatey" (this is the first I've
heard of it) here.  If you want help here you're going to have to try to
use setup.exe command line options.  Otherwise, if you want to use other
ways to install Cygwin then your best bet is to ask the people who are
providing you with the other ways what you need to do.

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