On Tue, Nov 26, 2013 at 10:09:19PM +0100, Denis Excoffier wrote:
>On 2013-11-26 00:11 +01:00, Denis Excoffier wrote:
>> Already done. I did some strace-ing, and since i?m not so fluent with the
>> result, i?ll send it there in a while (when i?m back on cygwin) if someone is
>> interested. But the bug (contrary to what i said before) also _sometimes_
>> occurs with 5.1.2alpha or 5.0.5 and this makes me think now that:
>Here is the result of strace (with minor editing). I kept the whole strace 
>(12000 lines),
>because xz ends rather early (around line 10000).
>2bc-1.06.95.tar.xz is a file built using bunzip2 | xz -c
>Note the presence of Win32 error 109 (broken pipe).
Please don't post unsolicited straces to this list.  No one is going to
be looking at them and they just clog up the mailing list.


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