
Cygwin currently offerers two Subversion packages.  One from 1.7.x
series and another from 1.8.x series.

Subversion version series are important because local repositories
created by each series (1.6.x, 1.7.x, 1.8.x) are incompatible.  In
short, if you do "svn checkout" with svn 1.6.x, you cannot do "svn
update" with svn 1.7.x or 1.8.x.  For a variety of reasons, at my
office, I am forced to use svn 1.6.x series.  This precludes me from
using standard pre-built Cygwin packages for Subversion work.  I'm
always jumping back to a IDE or DOS box to manage my svn local repos.

I'm not here to complain about this "feature" of Subversion.  AFAIK:
Cygwin seems to normally provide at least two versions of any package.
 That's great, and usually helps.  However, this situation is a bit
rare.  I would like to help make each series available in Cygwin.
I've done some googling on this matter and noticed a few others asking
on mailing lists (not Cygwin, I think) about how to get svn 1.6.x on
the latest Cygwin.  Frankly, there were no satisfying answers.

As a starter, I am happy to volunteer to create a specific Cygwin
package for Subversion 1.6.x.  Additionally, I already built my own
copy of Subversion 1.6.x using Cygwin build toolchain.

Please share you thoughts on this matter.

Kind regards,
Kevin Connor ARPE

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