Hello Barry,

On Sat, 9 Nov 2013 04:11:33 +0000
Buchbinder, Barry (NIH/NIAID) [E] <...> wrote:

> I'd be interested in getting a more detailed explanation of the
> difference between -i and -I.  The best I can tell from experiment, one
> can uninstall all packages listed in an island by -i.  But the listings
> of -I cannot be uninstalled because package not in the list depend on
> them.  If that is correct, how does one use the information given by -I?
> What can one do with it?

-I is merely for informational purposes. It shows all groups of packages with
circular dependencies (or perhaps all-to-all dependencies).
Every single package from such a group cannot be uninstalled individually,
but the whole group can be if no other packages require packages from the group.
-i shows these groups.


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