On Tue, Nov 05, 2013 at 02:52:44AM +0400, Andrey Repin wrote:
>Greetings, All!
>$ mode<Tab>
>mode.com     modemui.dll  modex.dll

That would be /bin/sh exe magic from the looks of it.  It is probably
just trying to find anything with an executable bit set, just like on

>$ mode
>bash: mode: command not found
>Now, I see two issues.
>First, it is that it see .dll files as executables. Which is true in essence,
>but rather suspicious, as .dll files are normally not directly executable.
>Would really like an explanation for this behavior.
>Second, is that it actually see mode.com, but unable to execute it.

It's likely that "mode.com" would execute it.

>$ set | grep PATHEXT

% cd /cygwin/sources
% grep -B17 PATHEXT *(.)
environ.cc-/* Minimal list of Windows vars which must be converted to uppercase.
environ.cc-   Either for POSIX compatibility of for backward compatibility with
environ.cc-   existing applications. */
environ.cc-static struct renv {
environ.cc-     const char *name;
environ.cc-     const size_t namelen;
environ.cc-} renv_arr[] = {
environ.cc-     { NL("ALLUSERSPROFILE=") },             // 0
environ.cc-     { NL("COMMONPROGRAMFILES=") },          // 1
environ.cc-     { NL("COMPUTERNAME=") },
environ.cc-     { NL("COMSPEC=") },
environ.cc-     { NL("HOME=") },                        // 4
environ.cc-     { NL("HOMEDRIVE=") },
environ.cc-     { NL("HOMEPATH=") },
environ.cc-     { NL("NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS=") },        // 7
environ.cc-     { NL("OS=") },                          // 8
environ.cc-     { NL("PATH=") },                        // 9
environ.cc:     { NL("PATHEXT=") },

i.e., the only thing Cygwin does with PATHEXT is convert it to upper case.


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