Greetings, Kenneth Wolcott! > Where can I find information regarding the pros and cons of using or > not using the cmd command to execute Windows commands from Cygwin?
If you clarify, what exactly you are trying to achieve, it would be immensely easier to answer your question, and the answer will be much more useful. That aside, I see a very short list of commands that have no equivalents in Cygwin environment, and very few of them are actually sensible. Soo... which of the.. what? two commands? you plan to use? My list is as follows: 1. Internal commands affecting the system, but have no counterpart in Cygwin: ASSOC ERASE FTYPE VERIFY VOL (?) 2. Internal commands with no meaning outside interpreter, or even restricted to use in batch files, which may or may not have equivalents in Cygwin: BREAK CALL CLS CMD COLOR DIR ECHO ENDLOCAL EXIT FOR GOTO HELP IF PAUSE PROMPT REM SETLOCAL SHIFT TITLE VER 3. Internal commands, that have appropriate counterparts in Cygwin: CD CHDIR COPY DATE DEL DOSKEY MD MKDIR MOVE PATH POPD PUSHD RD REN RENAME REPLACE RMDIR SET START (y/n) TIME TYPE External utilities disguised as internal commands, which may or may not have counterparts in Cygwin: AT ATTRIB CACLS CHCP CHKDSK CHKNTFS COMP COMPACT CONVERT DISKCOMP DISKCOPY FC FIND FINDSTR FORMAT GRAFTABL LABEL MORE PRINT RECOVER SORT SUBST TREE XCOPY -- WBR, Andrey Repin ( 05.11.2013, <01:26> Sorry for my terrible english... -- Problem reports: FAQ: Documentation: Unsubscribe info: