> > Hello list.
> >
> > I have some first questions for cygwin works on windows 7 by compile
> > sources I normally just fine compile on my linux systems but not like
> > to compile well and by cygwin.
> > The sources I trying to compile is been packed on linux with tar
> > archiwing program so I can get the sources over to windows 7 and
> cygwin.
> >
> > So it is then this then.
> > 1. where is the best place to unpack the sources for compile by
> cygwin.
> >    My windows cygwin is installed on c:\cygwin and by installing
> > cygwin is the cygwin download sources been put at k:\cygwinsrc.
> > 2. if the extra sources is best to be places at k:\cygwin, then is it
> > then best to handle them for cygwin ?
> >
> > 3. Then is it that - the sources have makefiles .cyg and other
> > compilers + some main configs like Makefile and huskymak.cfg.
> > When I have copied the file makefile.cyg to makefile.cfg and then
> have
> > this file in the main home dir for example - \...\husky\smapi\ and
> > then is got in to \smapi source dir and then run make to compile the
> > sources for smapi goes it fine to I getting a error of gcc -mno-
> cygwin
> > and then error 2 of it not can find some file it should make and when
> > I checking out for the file is it where it should be by not compile
> to
> > make a .o files for more compile finish.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Gert
> There is a standard location for sources, as is for libraries and
> includes. In Cygwin it's /usr/src. In some other Linuxes it's
> /usr/local/src.
> I have been compiling lots of source distributions over the years. I am
> not aware that you have to move or copy Makefiles. As far as I know you
> just need to:
> cd /usr/src/yournewapp
> ./configure
> make
> make install
> With the last command, all configuration files are automatically put in
> the right folders.
I have compiled lot of sources on linux systems and got now errors here but
on cygwin on my windows 7 32bit things not like to work for me.
What I ever I have done for it, like:
Cd /cygdrive/k/huskysrc/smapi
Or copied it to /src/src/huskysrc
Cd /usr/src/huskysrc/smapi
Make install
And it ends by error for ld not found some files and others.
Output from cygwin terminal by the error:
gcc   1stchar.o   -o 1stchar
/usr/lib/gcc/i686-pc-cygwin/4.7.3/../../../libcygwin.a(libcmain.o): I
funktionen "main":
/usr/src/debug/cygwin-1.7.25-1/winsup/cygwin/lib/libcmain.c:39: undefined
reference to `WinMain@16'
collect2: fejl: ld returnerede afslutningskoden 1
<builtin>: recipe for target '1stchar' failed
make: *** [1stchar] Error 1

And it look like error in some cygwin files.

Gert Andersen

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