On Tue, Oct 29, 2013 at 08:41:07PM +0000, Jean-Pierre Flori wrote:
>Le Tue, 29 Oct 2013 19:40:10 +0000, Jean-Pierre Flori a ??crit??:
>>> For your info, I was unable to reproduce such a behavior on Cygwin 32 v
>>> 1.7.25 installs running on 64 bits Windows 7 both on real hardware and
>>> VirtualBox 4.3...
>> I went on with further testing and could reproduce the problem with the
>> Cygwin shipped Pythons on a 64 bit Windows 7 running under VirtualBox
>> 4.3 with Cygwin 64 and on a 32 bit Windows 7 running on real hardware
>> (intel Atom).
>> Best,
>> JP
>Same problem with Python 2.6.8 from Cygwin on the 32 bit Windows 7 running 
>on Intel Atom.

If you want this fixed, the easiest way to get that to happen is to post
a simple test case which reproduces the problem.  That is not the code
snippet that you sent.  A real working example would be required.

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