ssh'ing from a cygwin shell to a linux computer,
if I run an output-bound command
(e.g. "yes aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa")and I 
try to kill the command
using ctrl-c, it takes a long time, sometimes several minutes.
I'd love to get this fixed, as it's the one thing
that's preventing me from using cygwin/ssh effectively
as a remote terminal.

The problem occurs in the following situations:
    - cygwin ssh from windows to linux
    - cygwin ssh from windows to localhost
The problem does NOT occur in the following situations:
    - ssh from putty on windows to linux
    - ssh from linux to cygwin sshd on windows
    - ssh from linux to linux

So the problem seems to be unique to the cygwin ssh client.
Is this a known problem?
Any ideas why it would be like this for only this client,
and whether there are any inherent technical difficulties
that would make it hard to fix?

Note there is a post about this behavior on serverfault:
although it doesn't mention it being specific to cygwin ssh.


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