On 9/14/2013 6:18 AM, wynfi...@gmail.com wrote:
> I read that Apache would build on Cygwin out-of-the-box, but found out that 
> isn't the case now if it was before.  Or my setup is wrong.
> I wanted to build:
>        Apache    VERS=2.4.6  which is httpd-2.4.6
> This requires the two libraries  apr and apr-util

apr and apr-util libraries are already packaged for Cygwin as
libapr1-devel and libaprutil1-devel respectively. If you wish to see how
they are built for Cygwin, you can download the source for the packages
and look at the cygport build script.

FYI, apache2 is also available as a pre-built package for Cygwin. You
can also download its source package to see how it is built.

David Rothenberger  ----  daver...@acm.org

Hale Mail Rule, The:
        When you are ready to reply to a letter, you will lack at least
        one of the following:
                (a) A pen or pencil or typewriter.
                (b) Stationery.
                (c) Postage stamp.
                (d) The letter you are answering.

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