On 8/29/2013 11:11 AM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
On Aug 29 14:34, Achim Gratz wrote:
Achim Gratz <Stromeko <at> NexGo.DE> writes:
With the initial heap size set to 1MB, the same allocations for mmap work
just fine.  The mmap length used by xz is the same for files of all sizes.

The large mmap is for the scratchpad memory of xz, which can be limited via
the -M option.  Currently it fails when this gets larger than 616MiB
(standard for -9 is 674Mib).

I'm not exactly surprised.  You're on a 32 bit machine, so you only have
2 Gigs VM.  Probably some DLLs are in the way.  Load xz under GDB, break
on "cygwin_exit", run it, and when it hits the breakpoint, observer the
memory layout, either in GDB, or by cat'ing /proc/<xz's pid>/maps.
Observing the memory layout helps a lot to understand why there's some
memory problem, especially if the application tries to get a big buffer
space in a single chunk.

So...this is NOTABUG, right? If you don't understand the options and their implications, and end up (as with -9) trying to allocate a giant hunk of memory unsupported by the memory model (e.g. 2GB VM), it fails. I think that's preferable to falling back to -8 or -7 or something.


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