On Aug 23 16:11, Hubert Garavel wrote:
> Contrary to most Unix-like operating systems, Cygwin does not have
> the /bin/compress command installed by default and has no package
> to install it on demand. Cygwin has an uncompress command (that relies
> on gunzip), but no compress command to make genuine .Z files.
> This would be certainly easy to solve, using the work of the Ncompress
> project at http://ncompress.sourceforge.net/
> My experience is that the code of ncompress- compiled perfectly
> using a GCC 3 cross-compiler targeted to Mingw:
>     $CC_WIN32-gcc -DDOS -D_IBMR2 compress42.c -o compress.exe
> It is likely that compiling with Cygwin would be even easier.

Why not, but "somebody" (you?) will have to create and maintain the
32 and 64 bit packages as the official Cygwin package maintainer.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Maintainer                 cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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