Hi again,

On 16 Aug 2013 22:46+1000, Shaddy Baddah wrote:
On 16 Aug 2013 22:39+1000, Shaddy Baddah wrote:
On 16 Aug 2013 22:14+1000, Ken Brown wrote:
On 8/16/2013 3:40 AM, Shaddy Baddah wrote:
When I run emacs-w32, I do not see the emacs tray icon as I did with
32bit Cygwin. Instead I see the generic "Windows Program" icon. I can
take a screenshot of that if required.

I fixed this before the release of emacs-24.3-4.  Are you running an
older version?

Definitely installed all latest packages.

$ cygcheck -cd | grep emacs
emacs                       24.3-3
emacs-w32                   24.3-3
emacs-X11                   24.3-3

Oops I just noticed the build number. I am not running the latest. I'll
have to try again against my current mirror and if I don't get the
latest, I'll have to place it in the "do not trust" list. Unfortunately
that'll be two out of two here in Australia :-(

OK. It seems my mirror can be trusted. It seems setup cannot be trusted.
That's a little unfair actually. More that... something I assumed about
setup, but also based on the assumption thought would one day cause
issue is the following.

When you do a "Download Only", how does setup decide what the current
version of your packages are? And if it finds an update path, will it
automatically select the package for update?

My understanding is it does look at your installation root, and will
select existing packages for upgrade.

However, as per http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin-apps/2013-06/msg00042.html
I wonder how it select the right installation root when there are
multiple installs. I don't have multiple installs of 64 bit at the
moment, but I do have a concurrent 32 bit. And in general, if I am
right in saying it peeks into the targeted installation root for an
existing "selection" of packages, there is no mechanism to point it
at the right one when more than one exists.

Anyway, this is turning into a discussion on setup. I'll take it to
cygwin-apps if it is more appropriate. Actually, I will take it there
as I have further comments.

In this case, setup did not think emacs was installed. So left it for me
to decide if I wanted it selected for install. I didn't notice. And this
must be true for a number of packages.

After manual selection and upgrade of emacs-w32 I can confirm the
problem is resolved.

(Also resolved issue for curl reported in
http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2013-08/msg00271.html. But I'll report back



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