
> The errors i obtain are as follows:
> /tmp/lcl/tmp/cygwin/cygwin-snapshot-20130731-1/winsup/c++wrap: line 2:
> use: command not found
> /tmp/lcl/tmp/cygwin/cygwin-snapshot-20130731-1/winsup/c++wrap: line 3:
> use: command not found

 Yesterday i have successfully compiled CVS version of cygwin.

 Your symptoms looks like another problem, which i attempted to address by 
another patch, posted alongside this one (no-dos-paths-on-cygwin). The problem 
is by default make's configure thinks that it should use DOS-style paths by 
default. Since Cygwin by itself is a POSIX environment, which uses POSIX paths, 
this screws up badly in functions which deal with absolute paths. You can find 
the detailed description in this message: 
http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-make/2013-07/msg00038.html . Perhaps you 
(and someone else ? Corinna ? ) can join the discussion and help me to convince 
GNU people that these modifications are good and safe.
 You can either apply this patch before running configure (and don't forget to 
recreate it with autoconf, of course), or bypass the check using config.cache 
--- cut ---
echo "ac_cv_dos_paths=no" > config.cache
./configure --cache-file=config.cache
--- cut ---

 Actually i already tried to post this patch here some time ago, here is the 
thread: http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2013-01/msg00113.html . For some reason 
those days back my attempts to send a patch were rejected from both addresses 
(work and home), so this ended up in a private discussion with Reini and 
Cristopher (IIRC). Someone of them told me that Cygwin's policy regarding make 
is to send all modifications upstream, so this time i tried directly on GNU 
mailing list. Of course i won't subject if the patch is accepted as part of 
Cygwin package. I'm just not very fond of rebuilding tools manually after every 

Kind regards,
Pavel Fedin
Expert Engineer
Samsung Electronics Research center Russia

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