On 2013-07-31 12:37, Enrico Ferrero wrote:
When trying to install your Rcpp R package from CRAN on Cygwin,
compilation aborts with the following error:
Timer.cpp:35:6: error: #error "Rcpp::Timer not supported by your OS."
Such an error means that the code needs to be patched to select (or add)
a code block specific to that platform. A patch for Cygwin can be found
in Ports git:
Specifically for Cygwin, based on my limited understanding of Rcpp, it
would appear that libRcpp.dll (the library, not the Rcpp.dll module)
should be moved to $PATH, and a symlink .dll.a put in its place, for the
benefit of other modules which would use this library. The cygport(5)
found in the aforementioned repo handles that for you.
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