On Jul 30 06:37, JonY wrote:
> Hi,
> After removing 4.8-cmodel-medium.patch and 4.8-duplicate-symbols.patch
> for 32bit cygwin, 2nd stage libgcc fails with spawn error, "C compiler
> cannot create executables".

I thought the 4.8-cmodel-medium.patch only affects the x86_64 target.

> Running the compile command manually does show it running cc1, but hangs
> indefinitely, adding -v causes it to emit xgcc: error: unrecognized
> command line option ā€˜-vā€™.
> Piping the C files over stdin and adding -xc makes it run, but it never
> does produce any output file. It does print some Execution times statistics.
> I'm not sure what's going on.

Can you discuss this in the gcc mailing lists?  I hope Kai is available
for some input...


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