On Sat, Jul 27, 2013 at 11:59 AM, Sander Torfs <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I recentely decided to go from the x64 version of cygwin to the x86 version
> (because the x64 version doesn't support unison), and I can't get rid of the
> shortcut in Start; Clicking uninstall takes me to 'uninstall a program', but
> there is now cygwin uninstaller, it needs to be done manually. While
> installing cygwin, I checked the box that said 'Add to Start'. Any ideas?
> All help appreciated!
> Sandr

Do this.  Right click the icon, choose open file location, delete the
file from there.

I assume that's what you wanted and not just to unpin it from the start screen.

Really though.  This isn't a Cygwin issue.  It's more a Windows 8
issue and there are plenty of forums for that.

Robert Pendell
A perfect world is one of chaos.

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