
While installing the latest cygwin 1.7.22-1 x86 I found that the 'libpango1.0_0-1.32.5-1' postinstall script caused an abnormal exit in setup.

An excerpt of the setup.log file follows:
2013/07/27 17:07:30 running: E:\Cygwin\bin\bash.exe --norc --noprofile "/etc/postinstall/pango1.0.sh"
2013/07/27 17:07:30 abnormal exit: exit code=1

This is attributed to a missing '/etc/pango' directory:
/etc/postinstall/pango1.0.sh: line 1: /etc/pango/pango.modules: No such file or directory

While I have manually mitigated the issue for my installation, for a long term solution I recommend that the '/etc/postinstall/pango1.0.sh' script be revised to first create the directory before attempting to populate the pango.modules file.

Kind regards,

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