On 7/26/2013 8:32 PM, Ryan Johnson wrote:
Hi all,

Running 64-bit cygwin 1.7.22(0.268/5/3), with emacs-nox 24.3-4 inside
mintty 1.2-beta1-1, I keep getting seg faults and "Fatal error 6: Aborted"

The most recent stackdump was:
Stack trace:
Frame        Function    Args
0000021F960  0018006F893 (001008C3C40, 400000000FFF0000, 00180127C0D,
00000000006  00180070D5A (00000000000, 00100000000, 000000001DC,
0000021FB40  00180119F08 (006000670D0, 0000022D440, 0000021FC8C,
000000000C1  00180116FBE (0000021FFD0, 00000000000, 00000000000,
00000000006  0018011748B (00000000000, 00000000000, 00000000000,
00000000006  0018011765C (00000000000, 00000000000, 00000000000,
00000000006  001801130CB (00000000000, 00000000000, 00000000000,
End of stack trace
... addr2line translates to:

It happens at strange times, invariably during I/O of some kind (either
keyboard input or output from some compilation window); I don't get the
impression it's fork-related. I don't know how to get a backtrace from
emacs, given the way any exception or signal always loses the "userland"
stack (suggestions welcome).

Anyone else seeing this?

This doesn't really answer your question since I don't use emacs-nox, but I've been running 64-bit emacs-X11 and finding it very stable. I typically keep it running for several days at a time.

You say you don't know how to get a backtrace from emacs. I assume you've installed emacs-debuginfo and run emacs under gdb. Are you saying you can never get a backtrace after it crashes?



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