Stefan Lisowski <> writes:

> I just updated Cygwin to the latest version from one that had been
> installed in maybe 2009... old.
> During the update process there was a note to go to to see
> what had changed in the new version that might affect me, but in the
> "upgrade" or the "faq" area I could find nothing warning me about
> anything specific.
> I was installing this on a box 2000 miles away where I tunnel remote
> desktop through ssh. Thank goodness I took down the firewall before I
> rebooted, because ssh no longer worked after a reboot, and I had to
> make a direct remote desktop connection to the machine before I got
> ssh up and running.
> I'm sending this mail to warn other users trying to upgrade
> sshd... After the upgrade I got login failures even though sshd
> service was running. I Googled and Googled, but I couldn't find an
> answer; port was open, ssh was up, and ssh connections worked fine
> (even to the external IP) from the local cygwin ssh, but not from a
> remote ssh. Logging locally didn't help, ssh -vvv remotely didn't
> help. FINALLY I figured it out, it was that the USERNAMEs are now case
> sensitive!!! So "administrator" fails but "Administrator" succeeds. I
> read somewhere I can fix this now by going back and editing
> /etc/passwd, but I haven't tried that yet; right now I'm just happy to
> have my firewall back up and tunneling remote desktop through ssh
> again. (I did a ssh-host-config in the process of debugging but I
> don't think I needed to.)
> Since I couldn't find this answer I'm sending it now to the list,
> hopefully the next person that runs into this will find it.


I'd just always assumed that usernames have always been case
sensitive.  Just used to Linux more than Windows, I guess.

Glad you figured it out!

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