On 2013-07-18 AM 10:53, Warren Young wrote:
Nothing so simple.  Locking is handled at the OS and/or Cygwin DLL
level.  The build change between and 3.7.17-3 is that we're now
relying on new features in the Cygwin DLL to do Windows-style locking by

Older versions of Cygwin SQLite bypassed the Cygwin DLL entirely for
this, going straight to the Win32 API, thereby preventing the DLL from
interposing itself for the "posix" case.

Mandatory locking feature of cygwin used in sqlite is broken.
Just build plain sqlite build without the cygport patch that led the disaster. unless you have familiar with exotic adventure like finding undocumented behavior of windows wasting many man-hours to workaround the problem.


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