On 07/12/2013 08:42 AM, Mikko Rapeli wrote:
(please Cc: me in replies, not subscribed to the lists)
Hi Cygwin and git developers,

Does following scenario show signs of bugs in Cygwin and/or git?

# setup git repo
$ cd /tmp
$ mkdir foo && cd foo
$ git init

# create x: directory
$ mkdir x:
$ ls

I would report this on the Cygwin list, not here. Any use of dos file paths using a Cygwin tool is not recommended, officially only POSIX paths are supported. If cygwin's Cmake is generating dos style paths, that is a bug that needs reporting to the Cygwin list. Also, I'm not sure how the developers will react to mishandling a directory named x:, but the behaviour you see is a limitation of the Cygwin platform, not of git.

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