On 7/8/2013 4:37 PM, David Stacey wrote:
On 08/07/13 21:23, Denis Excoffier wrote:
On 2013-07-08 02:54, Chris Sutcliffe wrote:
>Hi All,
>I'm having a problem trying to update
>mingw64-x86_64-runtime-3.0b_svn5935-1 in that with every mirror I've
>tried I get a pop-up stating that the download was incomplete.  Is it
Indeed. I don't get the pop-up but i don't get the package either.

The binary package and debuginfo are both missing in sourceware (and
hence on all the mirrors too) - only the source file is present. It
looks like this package needs uploading again.

My guess is that the source file was uploaded by accident. I've moved it out of the way (into my own home directory on sourceware). Once the mirrors catch up, setup.exe should stop trying to update the package.


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