On 7/7/2013 9:24 AM, Chloe wrote:
> Ok I ran them manually. They didn't rename themselves to *.done.
> $ bash --norc --noprofile /etc/postinstall/inetutils.sh
> *** Info: Note that the inetd service and the xinetd service must not
> *** Info: both be active at the same time.  The easiest way to ensure
> *** Info: this is to only install one or the other as a service.
> *** Query: Do you want to install the inetd super-server as a service?
> (yes/no) no
> Configuration finished. Have fun!
> *** Warning: The following function requires administrator privileges!
> *** Query: Do you want to install syslogd as service? (yes/no) no
> Configuration finished. Have fun!
> $ bash --norc --noprofile /etc/postinstall/libsasl2_3.sh

Well, no error messages. I have no idea why the scripts failed when
run from setup.exe, but you should be good now.

> $ ls /etc/postinstall/inet* /etc/postinstall/libsasl*
> /etc/postinstall/inetutils.sh  /etc/postinstall/libsasl2.sh.done 
> /etc/postinstall/libsasl2_3.sh

setup.exe does the renaming, so that's why inetutils.sh and
libsasl2_3.sh where not renamed to .done.

David Rothenberger  ----  daver...@acm.org

The difference between dogs and cats is that dogs come when they're
called.  Cats take a message and get back to you.

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