Addendum.  I just noticed the request for cygcheck results at  Accordingly,

I put /z/home/wine/newstart/cygwin/bin at the top of my
MSYS (on Wine) PATH, then executed

bash.exe-3.1$ cygcheck.exe -s -v -r >cygcheck.out

That generated a response to the terminal which was

cygcheck: Wrong architecture. Only ix86 executables supported.

For the record, I am using 32-bit Cygwin on 32-bit Wine on 64-bit
(x86_64) hardware.  My Linux platform is Debian wheezy with mostly
64-bit libraries installed, but 32-bit Wine was built specifically
with some extra 32-bit libraries I specifically installed for that
purpose.  So I don't know the source of that interesting message.
Note, that message occurs for the part of the cygchek results that
depend on cygwin1.dll.  If I fail to put cygwin/bin on my PATH,
then cygcheck complains that cygwin1.dll is not available but also
does not generate the above message.

I attach the cygcheck.out file generated as above in case somebody can
spot anything wrong in that report with my initial Cygwin on Wine
install. But superficially, it looks OK to me so it is possible that
my Cygwin on Wine installation is fine.

Note, my original message to this list with plain cygcheck.out
attached (as requested on the problems page) bounced for some reason
so I am trying a compressed version of cygcheck.out this time.

Alan W. Irwin

Astronomical research affiliation with Department of Physics and Astronomy,
University of Victoria (

Programming affiliations with the FreeEOS equation-of-state
implementation for stellar interiors (; the Time
Ephemerides project (; PLplot scientific plotting
software package (; the libLASi project
(; the Loads of Linux Links project (;
and the Linux Brochure Project (

Linux-powered Science

Attachment: cygcheck.out.gz
Description: compressed output from cygcheck for Cygwin on Wine

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