> The following has been dropped from the default screenrc since
> 4.0.0...:
> # Set the hardstatus prop on gui terms to set the titlebar/icon title
> termcapinfo xterm*|rxvt*|kterm*|Eterm*|cygwin hs:ts=\E]0;:fs=\007:ds=\E]0;\007
> Without this, hardstatus cannot be persuaded to display in the window
> titlebar (at least of mintty, I suspect rxvt as well).
> If you have 
>  hardstatus string ...
> in your .screenrc and it isn't working as it used to, add the above
> termcapinfo line to /etc/screenrc and you will start winning again.
> Andrew, any suggestion as to why this was removed?  I don't see
> anything in ChangeLog or NEWS...

Hm.  Thanks for pointing this out.  It isn't anything I meant to do.
Looking now in the screen source, I see that there are two sample screenrc
files: etcscreenrc, and screenrc.  etcscreenrc is supposed to be a sample
/etc/screenrc, and screenrc is supposed to be a sample ~/.screenrc.  The
diff is at http://www.diffnow.com/?report=iz5ex .

Neither of those files has exactly the termcapinfo line you cited, but
screenrc seems to have most of the capabilities in it, in xterm lines.

I don't mind installing screenrc instead of etcscreenrc as the global
/etc/screenrc, if it's got better functionality in it OOTB.  I'd appreciate
it if you'd test it first though, especially with mintty, and let me know
what you find.  I'll do the same, but I override most of that stuff in my
~/.screenrc, so it may not make much difference for me.

> [thanks for the new release!]

You bet!

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