On 6/21/2013 4:21 AM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
On Jun 21 03:26, Charles Wilson wrote:
The following statement:

char * tmp_path =
    (char *) cygwin_create_path (CCP_POSIX_TO_WIN_A, newargz[0]);

Results in this error popup (and a coredump), when newargz[0] is
NULL. Sure, it's a bug in my program to do that...but shouldn't it
be handled more gracefully?  Like...return a NULL, rather than

I changed the underlying cygwin_conv_path to handle NULL gracefully
by returning -1 and setting errno to EINVAL.  This results in a NULL
return from cygwin_create_path.

Using the old (buggy) version of my program, this change to the cygwin1.dll DTRT and I don't see the coredump anymore. Thanks.

'Course, I've fixed my program to not do that, but this was still a cygwin bug IMO so thanks for fixing it.


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