On Jun 21 12:57, Yaakov (Cygwin/X) wrote:
> On 2013-06-21 06:33, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> >as our resident autotools/libtool experts, could you please have a
> >look here?
> The problem is, as a fork of GMP, it too tries to be too clever with
> libtool in an attempt to shorten configure times by avoiding the
> CXX/F77 checks.  Those hacks are not only unnecessary with libtool
> 2.x, they are incompatible with it.
> Run the following to remove the offending 25 lines of configure:
> sed -i -e '/# Enable CXX/,/AC_PROVIDE/d' configure.in
> Then you still need to teach configure.in about Cygwin wrt -f
> win32/win64 and which asm sources to use before running
> (cyg)autoreconf.

Oh, cool, thanks!  I'll have to look into other stuff first, but I'll
probably have a look later this week.  An ld crash is never really a
good idea.


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