On Jun 21 10:05, Arjen Markus wrote:
> Hello,
> I have been experiencing problems with building several unrelated
> projects on Cygwin/Windows 7. One of them is GCC 4.8.1, another is a
> project that uses CMake to create the Makefiles. The problems occur
> either during the configuration
> (the CMake-based project) or during the make itself (GCC).
> What happens is that during the build files are created that have a
> file permission
> of ---------, which makes them unusable by the next step in the build.
> According to the FAQ this could be caused by the translation between
> POSIX permissions and the Windows ACE information.
> To get around that, I tried to turn off ACL for the disk I am working
> on, but that
> failed. Obviously I am doing something wrong. But I can not find the 
> information
> to solve this issue.
> Do you have any suggestions?

A reproducible, minimal testcase extracted from your project might help.


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