On Jun 20 01:22, Jun Iriola wrote:
> Hi,
> I made a simple script that should detect if a certain service is running or 
> not.  Said script will run via cron.
> When I tested it and executed it manually in the command prompt, it list all 
> Cygwin and Windows processes. But when I put it in cron, the number of 
> services detected were not the same. Account used is the same during manual 
> execution and also on cron.
> To get the list of services, I use this command /usr/bin/ps -efW.
> Do you have any idea why such behavior?  Help is very much appreciated.  
> Thanks.

It's probably related to your user token's permissions.  See
Try using method 3, it should give full, equivalent access as in
interactive mode.


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