On Tue, Jun 18, 2013 at 07:05:56PM -0400, Larry Hall (Cygwin) wrote:
>On 6/18/2013 2:23 PM, Christopher Faylor wrote:
>> On Tue, Jun 18, 2013 at 01:07:56PM -0500, Ren? Berber wrote:
>>> On 6/18/2013 9:37 AM, Christopher Faylor wrote:
>>>>> There was a project out there many years ago which did this.  You could
>>>>> run simple linux binaries on Windows.  I offered to host the development
>>>>> on sourceware.org (aka cygwin.com) but, IIRC, the developer never
>>>>> responded.
>>>>> I don't remember what the name of the project was and I'm sure that it
>>>>> won't work with more modern versions of Windows but it is a cool idea.
>>>> Here's one project: http://lbw.sourceforge.net/ but I don't remember if
>>>> this is the one I was thinking about or not.
>>> Here's another: http://atratus.org/
>>> Quoting their page "Atratus is a Windows program that can run unmodified
>>> Linux binaries."  ... "Atratus can load ELF format executables created
>>> with gcc under Linux run them on a Windows system without a CPU emulator
>>> or virtual machine".
>>> Haven't used it, but it does sound interesting, and its currently being
>>> developed (version 0.10).
>> Interesting.  That website mentions LINE which, I think is the project I
>> was struggling to recall.
>Yeah, I was just going to mention LINE.  I don't know why I can remember
>the name of such an obscure (although very interesting!) project and not
>the name of people I just met. ;-)

Don't feel bad about it Harry.  It happens to all of us.


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