On Tue, Jun 18, 2013 at 04:04:06PM -0600, Warren Young wrote:
>On 6/18/2013 13:30, ??????? ?????? wrote:
>> 2013/6/18 Warren Young <war...@etr-usa.com>:
>>> On 6/18/2013 12:40, ??????? ?????? wrote:
>>>> 1. The correct definition of executables belonging to Cygwin DLL.
>>> Can you give an example of what you mean here?
>> All cygwin applications depends on cygwin1.dll. We need to translate
>> arguments only for non-cygwin applications.
>It would be possible, though somewhat evil, for Cygwin's exec() 
>implementation to peek at the DLL dependency list of a program before 
>starting it, and from that infer whether it should automatically 
>translate paths.

Cygwin already does this.  It detects whether the program it is about
to run uses the Cygwin DLL and, if not, makes decisions on how to
handle exec.  It would be relatively easy to extend this.


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