On Jun  7 14:29, Nick Lowe wrote:
> I do not think I explained myself properly, sorry: Cygwin would
> previously read the
> obcaseinsensitve value under Windows 2000 to emulate the case
> insensitive behaviour of Windows XP and newer where obcaseinsensitive
> was present in the registry.
> The registry key does not represent the active state of case
> sensitivity, so it is surely the wrong thing to query and show in
> cygcheck as it only shows what the state is pending a reboot. Surely
> it would be better now to query how the case sensitivity actually is
> here and show that, and get rid of all references to
> obcaseinsensitive, which is a configuration parameter and private
> implementation detail of kernel?

Not from my POV, no.  The registry key is what the user has to change to
get case sensitive behaviour.  We want to know if the user actually
changed it in the first place, otherwise we can point to that info in
case of a case-sensitivity related problem.  The active state may be
interesting as well, but additionally to the registry key info and, as
far as I'm concerned, it's a minor problem.

But, anyway, http://cygwin.com/acronyms/#PTC


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