On 6/3/2013 6:20 PM, John Oliver wrote:
$ mount -o loop -t iso9660 /cygdrive/c/Documents\ and\
Settings/joliver/My\ Documents/Downloads/Fedora-18-x86_64-DVD.iso Fedora
mount: unknown option -- t
Try `mount --help' for more information.

$ mount -o loop /cygdrive/c/Documents\ and\ Settings/joliver/My\
Documents/Downloads/Fedora-18-x86_64-DVD.iso Fedora
mount: invalid option - 'loop'

$ mount /cygdrive/c/Documents\ and\ Settings/joliver/My\
Documents/Downloads/Fedora-18-x86_64-DVD.iso Fedora
mount: Fedora: Invalid argument

Man pages don't help, Google doesn't help... what's the secret? :-)

Cygwin != Linux.  This is one area where you see the difference.  Cygwin's
mount is really just a mechanism for mapping DOS-style paths and names to
POSIX versions.  That's it.  There have been some bells and whistles added
over time but there is no Cygwin-specific way to mount ISOs, for example.
So how do you do it?  The same way you would in Windows.  Get a utility
that mounts the ISO for you and then, if you want to see that ISO under
Cygwin, just access it by its drive name under '/cygdrive'.



A: Yes.
> Q: Are you sure?
>> A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
>>> Q: Why is top posting annoying in email?

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